CEO greetings

Hello everyone. My name is Hwang Byeong Bong, CEO in TNC.
I'm really please to meet our customer by visiting TNC homepage.
Recently high-speed and large-capacity information communication system demand have been globally increased, accordingly unnecessary EMI(Electro Magneic Interference) occur also increased. Its true that above situation make increase of frequency spectrum's inefficiency which various machines and systems
TNC Co.,Ltd as a "Electromagnetic protection component enterprise" was established corporate body on 1997.05, TNC made a effort to be foundation of domestic electronics industry and still continue to focus on technology development to be the best place on EMI component development measures.
TNC Co.,Ltd's entrepreneurship is based on new EMI equipment, production technique, quality management, and highly skilled engineers with long-term technology research and development to make new product, competitive price, exact delivery schedule. With that entrepreneurship TNC will highly jump through the world.
CEO in TNC Hwang Byeong Bong