
Quality environmental policy
TNC Co.,Ltd is a company which design and produce specialist and recognize the quality and environmental management as main factor. About quality environment management system we systematically construct, perform, maintain, continually improve, so that make the customer satisfy who use our product and also contribute to community. Furthermore we do our best to preserve the environment.
Construct quality management system to have customer satisfaction
As our aim is customer satisfaction by customer-oriented mind, we are trying to improve our quality and technolohgy and for failure rate zero each departure make goal and plan. Accordingly construct quality management system and effectively conduct.
Environmental Management System (ISO/KS A 14001)
environmental influence which come from our activity, product and service we minimize those, and to improve we construct environmental management system and effectively conduct.
Pollution prevention and continuous improvement
reuse, recycle, main pollution control or through alternative, we do our best to reduce hazardous waste and suppress using energy, and through continually improve, we minimize environmental pollutants.
Satisfy customer request and environmental compliance
to satisfy customer request we periodically evaluate customer's satisfaction, also to have compliance of environment we do have continuous training and set internal control standards to fullfill well, realize clear environment management by opening to public our environmental policy to persons concerned.